Online Interior Design

With online design, Embat Studio will work with you to create a custom digital design for your home that includes a complete package with everything you need to purchase and install yourself. Everything is done efficiently via email, phone and video, with a round of reviews included. This service is perfect for those working on a budget and provides all the tools and resources needed to execute beautiful designs from anywhere.

The design process

Our process gives you all the essentials to renovate your space along with the convenience of working together virtually.
Online design fees are priced based on the scope of the project.

Start of the project

Comienza con una llamada de descubrimiento para obtener más información sobre su proyecto. Luego, completará un pequeño cuestionario y nos proporcionará las medidas y fotos de los espacios que desea reformar (Para ello le facilitaremos una guía de cómo hacerlo). Cuanto más nos comparta sobre sus gustos y aversiones, mejor.


Design and collaboration

We kick off with a virtual consultation where we’ll begin collaborating to learn more about you and your family, take a virtual tour of the space, and start collecting inspiration on a Pinterest board. After our discussion, Embat Studio will start creating something beautiful! Within 3-4 weeks you will be presented with a completely custom design for your home with material samples (if available). You will have the opportunity to request a review round to make adjustments to your design.

Shopping and installation

After approval of the final design, Embat Studio will provide you with a comprehensive final package that includes a complete shopping list of items to purchase, as well as detailed installation instructions to properly create the space as designed. Plus, you’ll have email support and a 1-hour call or video call that you can use anytime for the next 60 days to help with questions or installation tips.
Good design doesn’t happen overnight. We want to carefully consider your space, design direction, and protect your investment.

embat studio

diseño interior en mallorca

Embat Studio is an Architecture and Interior Design studio in Mallorca

Our clients share our passion for design excellence.

Without forgetting the values of the island’s traditional architecture, the aesthetics of our designs are at the same time contemporary and minimalist, making careful use of light, space and the emotions they convey and incorporating unique features of each location.

The result is the creation of elegant and refined residences that combine traditional architectural features with a contemporary and distinguished aesthetic.

we are looking forward to meeting you
We would love to know more about your project and how we can help you. Get started by completing our inquiry form.